Contact Info
Phone: +30 210 529 4727
Klonaris Efstathios
- PhD from Reading University
- Μ.Sc from Reading University
- BSc from the Agricultural Department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Professor Klonaris is a Professor of the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development. His research interests are focused on the economics of food policy and quality, modelling agricultural markets and on Common Agricultural Policy issues. He is teaching Quantitative Methods, Applied Statistics and Microeconomic Analysis II at the undergraduate level and Applied Statistics and Microeconomic Analysis at postgraduate level. Dr Klonaris received his PhD from Reading University. Prior to joining the agricultural University of Athens, he has working for the Ministry of Rural Development & Food as member of the Greek delegation responsible for the fiscal policy an as consultant in the private sector.

CV Klonaris


His research interests are focused on the economics of food policy and quality, modelling agricultural markets and on Common Agricultural Policy issues.

Courses of teacher